Trumpet cave | Description | Images |
The GrottaTrombetta has the entrance shaped like the musical Instrument. The muddy bottom starts from - 35 mt at the beginning arriving at -12 mt Inside. We enter close to the celling (-20 mt) so we keep far from the mud. The mediterranean feather star Antedon medíterronea, the spirograph Sabella spallanzani, the yellow clathrina sponge Clathroa clathrus and various crustaceans live here. At the end of the main way we reach the base of a narrow chimney ending with an air bubble. Only three divers can surface. On the way there are beautiful cave formations. We reserve this part of the cave for very experienced and equipped divers because claustrophobia and equalization problems haven't an easy solution. Close to the muddy bottom starts another extremely narrow tunnel I explored many years ago with my friend Marco Oliverio. We called It the Crypt. It's very dangerous because the return is always with zero visibility. Before going out, the blue in sight, let's stop at the striped cave prawns Plesioniko narval niche. |