CHIMNEY Tunnel | description | images |
tunnel develops in the same way of the coast at a maximum depth of 39
metres. After ten metres from the north entrance, an hydrothermal spring
(one of the deepest we know) flows. The vault Is full of fan bryozoans Hornera
frondiculata and mermalds' vell Sertella
sptentrionolis. Also the sponge crab Dromia
personato and the cave spider crab Herbsba
condyliata lives here. The bottom of the middle part Is
covered with Neptune grass Posidonia
oceanica dead leaves. We arrive at the southern entrance
atrium where big blocks lay. This place Is very nice with columns and
stalagmites among with the boxer shrimp Stenopus
spinosus, with white long antennae lives. On our heads the
cylindrical chimney gives the name to the dive. We have three
possibilities: going back through the tunnel, passing through the
chimney or going out through the south entrance. In a precise place we
can see the feather duster worm Bispira mance and the uncommon
seaweed Fauchea
repens. In open water fish of passage. |