Crater |
Description |
crater gathers different kinds of dives: wall, cavern and shoal.
Following a vertical wall we reach a rocky arch (-37 mt) where we can
find the red lance urchin Stylocidaris
afflnis, the
sponge crab Dromia
pesonata, the
fan bryozoan Hornera
frondiculata. Behind
the arch we are Inside the crater. We see big blocks one time ceiling of
the cave now collapsed. On the right side we nave a particular general
view. Moving anticlockwise we arrive at a second arch (-39 mt) and we
go out of the crater. Keeping the left and looking at the blue, we
frequently meet a family of brown meagres Sciaena
umbra. We
can get very dose to admire their elegance. Re ascending until a depth
of twenty metres, it seems to be on the top of a shoal. We face a
plateau of Neptune grass Posidonia
oceonica (not
a seaweed but an aquatic flowering and fruit bearing plant) hiding big
striped (golden) groupers Epinephelus
alexandrinus and
a big dentex Dentex
dentex. Swimming
over the crater we reach the south part of Quail's Point where the daisy
or plumose anemone Cereus
pedunculatus, the
green alptasia or trumpet anemone Aíptasia
mutabilis and
the fat anemone Condylactis auranbaca, Iwe in the holes. Big swarms of
salemas Sarpa salpa accomplish spectacular evolutions. From
the Ilmestone rock, the yellow or red boring sponges Cliona
sp, come out. |